WHY Whole Body Vibration? More than 250 million Americans are overweight and the number of obesity-related deaths is on the rise. Costing our healthcare system more than $190 billion annually, the rate of obesity is growing at an alarming rate. Several other medical concerns are also attributed to being overweight, such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Genetics can play a role in a person’s weight but the majority of overweight people are overweight because of dietary and lifestyle habits. Reducing the amount of soda and fatty fried foods being consumed can go a long way in helping to reduce one’s weight. Reducing our dependency on the automobile can also reduce a person’s weight, as we are too accustomed to driving everywhere instead of walking.
Even sleeping habits can dramatically alter a person’s weight. Every hour of lost sleep causes the body to produce more of the Ghrelin hormone, which makes a person feel hungry, and less of the hormone Leptin, which makes a person feel full.
Exercise is crucial for reducing weight and the exercise must be in many forms to be effective. People require aerobic exercise to increase the heart rate, which burns calories. But people also need to improve their lymphatic system to help rid the body of built-up toxins, which can hinder their weight loss plans.
DID YOU KNOW: Just 10 minutes on our “Vibra Pro Machine” is equivalent to 60 minutes of conventional exercise!
Improving ones blood circulation also helps to increase and balance hormone levels in the body. Strength training exercises can also help, as muscle burns more energy and calories, speeding up the weight loss goals.
Whole body vibration machines play a key role in helping with an individual’s weight loss goals, as they can provide sufficient exercise to burn calories, while at the same time they can be used to increase muscle strength.
The correct vibration machine can also improve one’s lymphatic drainage system and at the same time, the machine can be very beneficial for increasing blood circulation.
The vibrations cause muscles to contract and relax multiple times a second, this is why Whole-body Vibration is so good for your body when you are trying to lose weight or when trying to tighten and tone your body.
Smooth Cellulite With Whole Body Vibration
Though cellulite is something none of us want, it is very common. More than 80% of all women have cellulite they wish they didn’t have. Though cellulite is nothing more than normal fat beneath the skin and is not an indication of any medical concern, millions of dollars are spent each year by people in hopes of getting rid of it.
When fat builds up under the skin it can press against connective tissues just below the skin and this causes the puckering of the skin, which we call cellulite. One doesn’t have to be overweight to have cellulite, though people who exercise regularly do not exhibit cellulite as often as people who are overweight.
There are plenty of creams and lotions to ward off the effects and there are even injections that can break down the fat to help alleviate unsightly cellulite. Some people even resort to liposuction in hopes of getting rid of it.
Vibration machines can help in many ways. They increase circulation and they can also increase lymphatic drainage, which is the body’s way of removing toxins and broken down fat cells.
Whole body vibration can also stimulate a desire to exercise which is the best preventive method. Multi-motion Level 3 type machines tend to work best to combat cellulite as users require both high-speed low amplitude motions as well as low-speed high amplitude movements.
~ Fat reduction
~ Burns calories
~ Increased metabolism
~ Strengthen bone tissue
~ Improves lymph drainage
~ Improves blood circulation
~ Improved collagen production
~ Rapid Muscle and tissue recovery
~ Increases the basal metabolic rate
~ Enhances the detoxification process
~ Increased strength, stamina, and speed
~ Improved flexibility, mobility and coordination
~ Increases the production and repairs hormones