Skin Renewal Peel for Freckles and Pigmentation
How do peels help with freckles and pigmentation?
Peeling for freckles and pigmentation is ideal for anyone who suffers from imperfect skin. Freckles, pigmentation and age spots are skin conditions which not only causes people a great deal of anguish but are enormously complex and difficult to treat. Consult with a qualified specialist in this regard. There are a number of causes of pigmentation but they will always have UVR (ultraviolet rays) as part of the equation. The main causes of pigmentation may be one or more of the following:
Causes of Cell Aging
Trauma of the skin- Hormonal
- Medications
- Ultra Violet Rays
- Vitamin A and C Deficiencies
- Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency
What are Chloasma and Melasma?
Both mean the same thing and are used when describing hormonal pigmentation that may be caused by pregnancy, ovarian or thyroid dysfunction, the contraceptive pill, and other hormonal medications. “Chloasma” is the term most used to describe the occurrence of “Melasma” during pregnancy, known as the “pregnancy mask” or sometimes as the “butterfly mask”. Hormonal pigmentation is found in the central face and sun damage is most often found to the outer areas of the face towards the hairline.
Pigmentation due to trauma is generally irregularly shaped and found in places where trauma has occurred such as harsh dermabrasion, strong laser peelings or a deep chemical peeling which has damaged underlying tissue. In order to treat pigmentation successfully, the underlying cause needs to be correctly diagnosed. If there is repeated sun exposure, pregnancy or continuation of medications which cause photosensitizing, the pigmentation will return. Pigmentation in the skin from melasma will respond to peeling, provided that the melanocytic pigment is within the peel depth.
Since photodamage varies and may extend below the peel depth, this will necessitate repeat peelings. The pigmentation may still be present after the initial peeling; however, the regeneration of a less pigmented epidermis will result in a lighter appearing skin. There are many known photo-sensitizers (too many to list) that may cause pigmentation or loss of pigmentation upon application and subsequent sun exposure.

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