Whole Body Weight Loss and Skin Tightening Can Change Your Body Safely Without Surgery!
How Does
This Work?
During your Sculpt Pod treatment, you will experience our 3 Step Patented Process. Infrared heat and LED lights are used to stimulate the body’s natural process for breaking down and releasing stored content in the fat cells.
While inside the Sculpt Pod, you will experience whole body massage vibration to break down cellulite + stimulate the body to drain its fat cells naturally.
Infrared can assist with many wellness benefits; clients are experiencing pain relief, detoxification, weight loss & cellulite reduction, skin rejuvenation & relaxation + more.
When you use a far infrared sauna for varicose veins and spider vein treatment, the heat from the sauna effectively dilates the veins (which is why your skin appears red after exposure to heat) and can help move intravenous blood and circulate it throughout your body diminishing the appearance of the veins.

Only 13 Sessions
Is it True That You Only Lose Water Weight During a Session?
About 65% of the human body is made up of water. During an infrared session, the body’s core temperature is raised, which stimulates sweat production and allows the body to release toxins and fats through the sweat glands.
Hydration is incredibly important because we need water not only to survive but also to produce sweat. Getting your glisten on while sweating at the gym or on a run is also important, but the key to a successful infrared session is, well, the infrared.
By penetrating approximately 1-2 inches into the body, infrared can promote the release of toxins, fats, and cholesterol that is not replaced when you rehydrate.
It literally flushes out of your body. During an infrared session the body can release up to 20% of fats and toxins, this is in comparison to about 3-5% released during traditional exercise.
The heat and lights unique wavelength of 635nm stimulates fat cells to release energy that is then easily metabolized. The process is similar to when your body enters the “fat burning” stage of a good cardiovascular workout.
It also increases collagen and elastin in the skin while creating a slimmer figure. It’s completely safe, natural, painless and non-invasive.
The light technology utilized in our Infrared Sculpt Pods causes fat cells to temporarily alter the permeability of the cell; this brief change allows the fat contents to seep out from the cell where it can be processed naturally through the lymphatic system.
For years we have used means of surgery and plastic surgery to alter the body. However, you can alter your body without surgery, naturally and noninvasive with The Sculpt Pod!

“I feel like the incredible shrinking woman! And I didn’t change my diet at all! I have Neuropathy in my legs and feet and Rheumatoid Arthritis in my back and hands. After my first season, I did not feel like I was walking on styrofoam peanuts anymore, my leg cramps were gone, and my Rheumatoid Arthritis did not ache for the first time in 5 years! After my 6th session, I look like a totally different person!”
~Judy, Before and After 6 Sessions
Key Details You’ll Want to Know Before Your First Session
- Each session is 30 minutes (this includes time to change clothes) you will be in the pod for 15.
- Treatments cannot be performed on those who are pregnant or have heart conditions. OR ANYONE WITH METAL IMPLANTS.
- Treatment attire for women: sports bra/bathing suit top and shorts.
- Treatment attire for men: shorts
- Refrain from eating 1 hour before & one hour after your treatment.
- Plan to consume at least one bottle of water after your session – staying hydrated is key to aiding your body in flushing toxins + fat.
- Sculpt Pod treatments are structured into courses of 6-10 sessions. Your number of treatments is determined by the results you want to see, your requirements and goals. We suggest 2-3 Sculpt Pod treatments a week every other day to get started.
- There is no recovery period and no downtime after your Sculpt Pod session.
- Often Sculpt Pod results can be seen immediately and improve with every treatment. Over the course of 10 Sculpt Pod sessions, you can achieve dramatic reshaping of your body plus reduction and sometimes complete removal of cellulite.
- Benefits such as pain relief and detoxification can be noticed after one session.
When Was the Last Time You Sweat?

Only 6 Sessions
Will the Session Cause Dehydration?
If the body is dehydrated, it’s possible that sweat will not be produced. And yes, the process of sweating is removing water from the body but an infrared system will not dehydrate you any more than an intense workout because let’s face it, any sweat-inducing activity will require H20 to replenish the body!
Consuming water before, during and after each session is necessary. It is recommended to drink more water than you might normally drink to see optimal results.
If a session is executed correctly the client will have consumed more water than usual and this will allow them to sweat without feeling parched. Keep in mind; it’s important to continue hydrating after each session as the body continues to flush metabolized fats and toxins.

Only 13 Sessions
Benefits of The Sculpt Pod
~Inch Loss
~Skin Tightening
~Cellulite Removal
~Improves Metabolism
~Breaks Down Scar Tissue
~Reproduction of Collagen
~Reduces Stress and Fatigue
~Accelerates Natural Healing Process
~Diminishes Varicose Veins and Spider Veins
~Improves Lymphatic Drainage and Circulation
~Relieves Discomfort Associated with Swelling
~Improves Neuropathy Symptoms and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Schedule Yours Today to Feel and See the Results for Yourself!